photo of Charles Wells

        Charles Wells 



Well it is one thing to actually get a web site up and running and another thing to put something half decent and interesting on it. Unfortunately I do not have any particularly brilliant ideas at the moment as to what to fill this site with. I was tempted to include information for parents who are experiencing behaviour problems with their children. Then I thought -why bother? Let's face it, the reason many teens are rude and disrespectful to their parents is simply because there are no distasteful consequences when they do. Teens misbehave because they can. Of course there are some young people who because of deprivations in their lives can become troubled and oppositional. By and large that is not the case for most teens whose behaviour might be termed 'out of control'. So in the end the solution to such behaviour is boringly obvious. Parents need to be effective and consistent with discipline and to locate effective consequences for their teen's behaviour.

So I have decided not to go down that particular route of using this website to educate parents.
 I figure that I will use it to voice my opinions on whatever takes my interest. Let's face it, no one is going to be reading it anyway!  There is something satisfying about venting one's spleen and sounding off about something or other. So having bored my friends rigid for years (bless them both) with my opinions, I will give them a break by doing it on my web page instead.

As it happens I am in a good frame of mind at present and not sufficiently motivated to write anything.

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The Brandon Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy 

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Community-based Psychotherapy with Young People: Evidence and Innovation in Practice  

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Last updated 05/31/2006